Itsas-malda zuriak
Oi, zuek, atsekabetuak, joandakoak ez garestiegi erosi, Ez igarotakoen ametsetan bizi, Geiegi, luzeegi, garbiki gogoratzen badezute, Astunegi eskua ezartzen, Zure buruaren amets-bideak dirala ta, Bere goragarria ondatuko. Senarra zanaren istoria aitu ta galdua besterik ez gorde.
XLI O, sad people, buy not your past too dearly, / Live not in dreams of the past, for understand, / If you remember too much, too long, too clearly, / If you grasp memory with too heavy a hand, // You will destroy memory in all its glory / For the sake of the dreams of your head upon your bed / You will be left with only the worn dead story / You told yourself of the dead.
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