Itsas-malda zuriak
Dorrera joan giņan, Zoo’ra ere bai, Kew’ko lilitegian Lore bakoitza ikusi. Zaldi buztan luze gaņean Errege Karlos zaldikatuaz, Noski, beste errege geienak baņo Xoragarriagoa zirudin. Bere gisako ta goiztar orduan St. James jauregiko atarian, Euri zaparta azpian Zaintzailleen aldaketa. Eta esan nun, ori naigabea, Aste bete besterik ez, London orrelako iri ikusgarria Amaitu-ezin edertasunez betea!
V We went to the Tower, / We went to the Zoo, / We saw every flower / In the gardens at Kew. / We saw King Charles a-prancing / On his long-tailed horse, / And thought him more entrancing / Than better kings, of course. / At a strange early hour, / In St. James’s palace yard, / We watched in a shower / The changing of the guard. / And I said, what a pity, / To have just a week to spend, / When London is a city / Whose beauties never end!
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