Itsas-malda zuriak
“Udaberrian etorri bear dute”. “Arrazoia norena dan, aientzat zer ajola?” “Ori bai parregarria— Guda egiteko arrogiak dirala esatea.”
“Guda egiteko arrogiak dirala esatea.” “Wilson doixtarren aldekoa, esan didate.” “Ez, diruketarien egitekoa omen da.” “Oi, ori uste det, “Urrea besterik ez zaie ajolarik.”
“Urrea besterik ez zaie ajolarik.” “Oarpena idaztea laket zaiola dirudi.” “Bai, luma-ederreko ausartia.” “Ez. Irlandarren iritzipena da.”
“Ene, Irlandarren iritzipena omen da.” “Eta gau batean doixtarrak itsas-ontzi Amerikatarra ondoratzen badute?” “Maitia, arroegiak dira borroka egiteko.”
XXXIII ‘They must come in in the spring.’ / ‘Don’t they care sixpence who’s right?’ / ‘What a ridiculous thing— // Saying they’re too proud to fight.’ / ‘Saying they’re too proud to / ‘Wilson’s pro-German, I’m told.’ / ‘No, It’s financial.’ / ‘Oh, quite, / All that they care for is gold.’ // ‘All that they care for is gold.’ / ‘Seem to like writing a note.’ / ‘Yes, as a penman, he’s bold.’ / ‘No. It’s the Irish vote. // ‘Oh, it’s the Irish vote.’ / ‘What if the Germans some night / Sink an American boat?’ / ‘Darling, they’re too proud to fight.’
Itsas-malda zuriak |