Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998





Illuntasun eta garestia, mundu onetako zorionetik urrun,

Oiñaze ta eriotzara etsitako mundua,

Udaberriko goiz eder batean

Semea jaio zitzaidan,

Itxaropena jaio, etorkizuna berriro bizirik.


Semea jaio zitzaidan,

Gogotik joandako

Erdimin bakartia, gogor, etsitua,

Idazti Deunak dion bezela.

Bai betikoa, bai arrunta,

Seme nagusiaren aurpegia ikusi

Ta zorionez bete.


Bere aurpegiari begiratu

Iltokiko ez ezagunen ilen artean

Bakoitzaren lekua, orixe,

Bizitzaren eta eriotzaren arrazoia, ta,

Iltzeari zerbaiten zoramena aurkitu.


Pinportak zergatik loratzen, lorak il,

Edertasuna zimeldu, ta izatea autsi,

Bai bidegabekoa edozein

Giza-arrotasun, sortze guztietan,

Ain oiturazko ori ez ezik dana.





Out of the dark, and dearth / Of happiness on earth, / Out of a world inured to death and pain; / On a fair spring morn / To me a son was born, / And hope was born —the future lived again. // To me a son was born, / The lonely hard forlorn / Travail was, as the Bible tells, forgot. / How old, how commonplace / To look upon the face / Of your first-born, and glory in your lot. // To look upon his face / And understand your place / Among the unknown dead in churchyards lying. / To see the reason why / You lived and why you die— / Even to find a certain grace in lying. // To know the reason why / Buds blow and blossoms die, / Why beauty fades, and genius is undone, / And how unjustified / is any human pride / In all creation—save in this common one.



Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998