Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998





Ingelesak gogorrak dira

   Bere odolekoak ez geranontzat,

Baņan, nola aldatzen dira

   sarrera ematen digutenean.

Adikorrenak, egizkoak,

   Ezin adiskide obeagoak,

Zail da gogoratzea

   Asieran nola otz-arazi ninduten.

London osoa erakutsi,

   Johnnie ta bere lagunak;

Zabaldegira eraman ninduten

   Aste-buru luzeetara;

Zoriontsuagoa egundaņo ez,

   sekulan ez ainbeste atsegin artu,

Aste asko igaro nitun Ingeleterran

   Bat bakarraren ordean.





The English are frosty / When you’re no kith or kin / Of theirs, but how they alter / When once they take you in! / The kindest, the truest, / The best friends ever known, / It’s hard to remember / How they froze you to a bone. / They showed me all London, / Johnnie and his friends; / They took me to the country / For long week-ends; / I never was so happy, / I never had such fun, / I stayed many weeks in England / Instead of just one.



Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998