Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998





Gazte ta maite-minduak— bai azti-itza!

Bai arrigarri izatea. Nork ez irrikitu

Maitale gazteetzaz, arriturik ikustean

Maite dutela ta bere maitasuna onartua dala,

Argiak distikorragoak, begiak garbiagoak

Jainkoaren irudia beren oi buztinean ikusteko.

Zerutar musika ez ote entzuten?

Antzerki ospatu orren asiera

Bizitz Elkartuen drama ote? Ai, burutik dijoakie

Beren paperak ezin idatzi dituztela; xilintxak jo duela,

Antzoki-zapia gora ta ager-tokia gertu dagoela

Zorigaitzerako— maite-mindu ta gazteak.





Young and in love—how magical the phrase! / How magical the fact! Who has not yearned / Over young lovers when to their amaze / They fall in love and find their love returned, / And the lights brighten, and their eyes are clear / To see God’s image in their common clay. / Is it the music of the sphers they hear? / Is it the prelude to that noble play, / The drama of Joined Lives? Ah, they forget / They cannot write their parts; the bell has rung, / The curtain rises and the stage is set / For tragedy—they were in love and young.



Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998