Itsas-malda zuriak
Irakurri ta bertan etxe-mindu— Zurezko etxe txiki zuria, ate berdea, Aitaren ikas-gela su goriakin, Eta liburu multzatuak lur gaņean.
Illargi aurpegidun orduak jotzen ditun ordularia, Gorri bizi, erabilli ta zarpail turkiar oinpekoa, Jatontzi astunak— urre antzeko txori ta loreekin— China’ren zeregin emaitza.
Krisalluak ere ikusi, laztankor, bildurgarriak, Hallow bakoitzean gure sar-atean argitzen dutenak. Aritza, bein zimiztak porrokatua, Biurtu, murriztua.
Dioscuriak ikusi nituen, katutxo bi, beltzak, Zirrika utsaren atzetik, dinbi-danba; Neska txikia esku-larru gorriekin Ikastola bidean elurretan jasale.
XXVI I read, and saw my home with sudden yearning— / The small white wooden house, the grass-green door, / My father’s study with the fire burning, / And books piled on the floor. // I saw the moon-faced clock that told the hours, / The crimson Turkey carpet, worn and frayed, / The heavy dishes—gold with birds and flowers— / Fruits of the China trade. // I saw the jack o’lanterns, friendly, frightening, / Shine from our gateposts every Halloween; / I saw the oak tree, shattered once by lightning, / Twisted, stripped clean. // I saw the Dioscuri—two black kittens, / Stalking relentlessly an empty spool; / I saw a little girl in scarlet mittens / Trudging through snow to school.
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