Itsas-malda zuriak
Johnnie’ren ama, Lady Jean, Eskoziar txirotatu ospetsu baten alaba, Ederra, kolore bizi, mea, Begiak Johnnie’ren bezelakoak— urdin eta argiagoak— Bere aurpegi beltzaranean kristalezko bunbullo bezela. Paketsua, berekiko ausardiarekin, Oso tinko bere bide zuzenean, Mundu orretan atsegin izateko bearrik gabe. Ez zitzaidan gogo-betekoa— Senti-arazi nindun Berritxu, petrala, kili-kolokoa, Papagai ta aingira arteko naasketa ba’nintz bezela. Arro ta otz eta martin-puntxo agertu zitzaidan.
XV Johnnie’s mother, the Lady Jean, / Child of a penniless Scottish peer, / Was handsome, worn high-coloured, lean, / With eyes like Johnnie’s—more blue and clear— / Like bubbles of glass in her fine tanned face. / Quiet, she was, and so at ease, / So perfectly sure of her rightful place / In the world that she felt no need to please. / I did not like her—she made me feel / Talkative, restless, unsure, as if / I were a cross between parrot and eel. / I thought her blank and cold and stiff.
Itsas-malda zuriak |