Itsas-malda zuriak
Leendabiziko goiz argitsu ta garbian, Betidandik itsasoak babestu ditun Dover’ko itsas-malda zuriak ikusi ta, Maitasun sakonez Ingeleterra maite izan nun.
Ez senar, ez maitale nere asmoetan, Ikus-zale nintzan, astebeterako etorria; Alaz ere, “Dover’ko itsas-malda zuriak” ikustean, Arriturik, nere begiak laņoz bete ziran.
Ingeleterra maite izan det, eta oraindik arrotz, Emen nere etxea eta oraindik bakartiar, Latzaldi ta galbide garaiean, orain, Ingelesak ber-berak bakarrik egiazko dira.
I I have loved England, dearly and deeply, / Since that first morning, shining and pure, / The white cliffs of Dover I saw rising steeply / Out of the sea that once made her secure. // I had no thought then of husband or lover, / I was a traveller, the guest of a week; / Yet when they pointed ‘the white cliffs of Dover’, / Startled I found there were tears on my cheek. // I have loved England, and still as a stranger, / Here is my home and I still am alone. / Now in her hour of trial and danger, / Only the English are really her own.
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