Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998





Azkenez — azkenez — izu-arazle ta ekaitsu gauaren ondoren,

Egun-senti argi ta baketsua datorren bezela, etorri ziran —

Nere erritarrak, biotz-gazte, luze ta alaiak,

Mundu zear jolasketa ta omenaren billa,

Biribilketa alai atzean London’en ibilliaz,

Piccadilly ta Leicester square leenengo aldiz ikusiaz,

Eres-taldeak: “An zear, an zear

Mezu-egin, mezu-egin —”kontuz egon”— joaz—”

Amerika’tar ikurriņa kulunkan igaro

Ta ingelesek burustean, negarrari nik eman.





And at last—at last—like the dawn of a calm, fair day / After a night of terror and storm, they came— / My young light-hearted countrymen, tall and gay, / Looking the world over in search of fun and fame, / Marching through London to the beat of a boastful air, / Seeing for the first time Picadilly and Leicester Square, / All the bands playing: ‘Over There, Over There, / Send the word, send the word to beware—’ / And as the American flag went fluttering by / Englishmen uncovered, and I began to cry.



Itsas-malda zuriak
Alice Duer Miller

euskaratzailea: Maritxu Urreta
Itzulpen antologia II, EIZIE, 1998