Itsas-malda zuriak
John’en aurpegia, ingeles oietako bat Beti izan ziran eta izango diranak Ingeles ederren lekuetan Ingeleterra bera itsasoan ondatu arte— Aurpegi zuri-gorri, begirakor, begi arro, Ingeles oskarbien baņo piska bat urdiņagoak.
Ikusten dezute lepoko ta gudu-jantzietan Tankera askotako ile-ordeetan, Gudari ta itsas-gizon, epaile ta nekazari— Aurpegi orrek Britaniar ugarteetan, agindu, Ongi edo gaizki emandako agintearekin Araudiaren bidez bizi diran auen gain bakarrik.
Ene! bizimoduko araudi zail ori, Ain erraz eta lasai dirudina, Araudi ingelesa artu ta ematekoa Leen erabakitako eskubide ta doai, Ingeles bizimoduaren asieratik Gizonaren arreta aundiaren gain ezarriak.
VIII John had one of those English faces / That always were and will always be / Found in the cream of English places / Till England herself sink into the sea— / A blond, bowed face with prominent eyes / A little bit bluer than English skies. // You see it in ruffs and suits of armour, / You see it in wigs of many styles, / Soldier and sailor, judge and farmer— / That face has governed the British Isles, / By the power, for good or ill bestowed, / Only on those who live by code. // Oh, that infexible code of living, / That seems so easy and unconstrained, / The Englishman’s code of taking and giving / Rights and privilege pre-ordained, / Based since English life began / On the prime importance of being a man.
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