GOGOETA AMETSAK Pasio-lore bat kiribildu da hesian, txori zuriak dirudite liliek hosto artean.
O, ez, maskor zuriak dirudite olatu baten gandor gainean igerian.
Pasio-lorea dardaraz dago, olatua dirudi lehertzeko zorian… isuriz bere dirdai-altxorra nire lorategi ilunduaren bazter goibeletan.
Pasio-lore bat kiribildu da hesian, gogoeta lausoak dirudite liliek hosto artean.
O, bai, gogoeta lausoak dirudite nire minduraren gandor gainean igerian.
Pasio-lorea dardaraz dago, nire mindura dirudi lehertzeko zorian… isuriz bere altxor hitsa nire bihotz ilunduaren bazter goibeletan.
Thought Dreams A passion vine twists over the fence, / Like white birds the blossoms among the leaves // O, no, they are like white shells / Afloat on the crest of a sea weave. // The passion vine trembles as though it will break / Just like a wave — spilling its shining treasure / Over the desolate shores of my darkened garden. // A passion vine twists over the fence / Like faint thoughts the blossoms among the leaves. // O, yes, ther are like faint thoughts / Afloat on the crest of my sorrow. // The passion bine trembles as though it will break / Just like my sorrow — spilling its fainting treasure / Over the desolate shores of my darkened heart.