Charles Bukowski

The Knifer
Hegats, 19/20 1998
euskaratzailea: Josu Lartategi, 2020


Labana sartu didak, esan zidan gizonak, esan diok Pink Eagle-ri

ni ez argitaratzeko.

tira, Manny, esan nuen, ahaztu hori.


poeta horiek sentiberak dira oso

badute sentsibilitate gehiago talentoa baino,

ez dakit zer egin haiekin.


gaur gauean telefonoak jo du eta

Bagatelli izan da eta Bagatellik esan du

Clarsten-ek telefonatu diola eta Clarsten beroturik dagoela

antologia bidali ez diogulako

postaz, eta Clarstenek errua bota dit

antologia bidali ez diogulako postaz

eta gainera Clarstenek

ziurtatu du saiatzen ari nintzela bera

zirikatzen, eta haserre zegoen

oso. horixe esan du behintzat



begira, benetan sentitzen hasi naiz

literatur jainko bat bezala

besterik gabe aulkian tripaz gora etzan eta zigarroak bildu

eta hormetara begira nago

eta lizentzia zait karrera poetikoei

bizitza eta heriotza opaltzea

gutxienez lizentzia zait

heriotza kontua opaltzea.


izan ere mutilok bertan hiltzen ari dira nik

lagundu barik. Eguzkia hodeiaren atzetik joan da.

nik ez dut zerikusirik gauzokin.

nik Prince Albert erretzen dut, Schlitz edan

eta kopulatu ahal den guztietan. sinestu nire

errugabetasunean eta nik agian gogoan hartuko dut



The Knifer

you knifed me, he said, you told Pink Eagle / not to publish me. / oh hell, Manny, I said, get off it. // these poets are very sensitive / they have more sensitivity than talent, / I don't know what to do with them. / just tonight the phone rang and / it was Bagatelli and Bagatelli said / Clarsten phoned and Clarsten was pissed / because we hadn't mailed him the / anthology, and Clarsten blamed me / for not mailing the anthology / and furthermore Clarsten / claimed I was trying to do him / in, and he was very / angry. So said / Bagatelli. // you know, I'm really beginning to feel like / a literary power / I just lean back in my chair and roll cigarettes / and stare at the walls / and I am given credit for the life and death of / poetic careers. / at least I'm given credit for the / death part. //  actually these boys are dying off without my / help. The sun has gone behind the cloud. / I have nothing to do with the workings. / I smoke Prince Albert, drink Schlitz and copulate whenever possible. believe in my / innocence and I might consider / yours.


Charles Bukowski

The Knifer
Hegats, 19/20 1998
euskaratzailea: Josu Lartategi, 2020