Charles Bukowski

The swans walk my brain in april it rains
Hegats, 19/20 1998
euskaratzailea: Josu Lartategi
armiarma.eus, 2020


zurituko al zenidake laranja bat eta

Saavedra (Miguel de) Cervantes hizpidera ekarri?

utikan! gortinako euli horren

modukoa zara.


ez naukate gustuko azokan.

ez diet irribarrerik eskaintzen umeei.

ez nago interesaturik armaden


iturrietatik edaten dut begiak

masusta umoak legez lehertzen zaizkidan arte

nire besapeei hatsa darie eta

ez diet zapatei distira ateratzen.

ez naiz ezeren



gutti ulertzen dut neure

bizi-usadio okerrez gain.

izua eta izu are latzagoa

besterik ez dut ulertzen,


ezin dut errimarik osatu.

ahituegi nabil

ezer lapurtzeko.

Segovia entzuten dut


urde baten buruari behatu eta




osteraka nabil osteraka

gizon baten

himenotomia... oi

sasoiko gauza goxook

non zaudete?


topatu behar nauzu orain

ikarak jota bainago

ikusten ari naizenarekin!


harat-honat dabilzkit aitzinean

hainbat begik txispatutako ziegak. begiak?magma!

denda batera sartu eta ardoa erosi diot

gizon hil bati

gero banoa urrun zornez jositako

zerua lagun. ehiztariek eztul egiten diete



osteraka nabil...



The swans walk my brainin april it rains

would you have me peel an orange and / talk of Saavedra (Miguel de) Cervantes? / get out!you are like that fly on the / curtain. // I am not liked in the marketplace. / I do not smile at the children. / I am not interested in the doings of / armies. / I drink at fountains until my eyes / stick out like ripe berries. / I stink under the armpits and do not / shine my shoes. / I do not own / anything. // I understand little but my / misuse. / I understand only horror and / more horror. // I cannot rhyme. / I am too tired to / steal. / I listen to Segovia / smile. / I look at a hog's head and / am in / love. // I walk I walk a / hymenotomy of a / man... o / sweet things of this time / where are you? // you must find me now for I am / terrified with what I / see! // the dungeons sweep past lit with / eyes. eyes? magma! / I enter a shop and buy wine from a / dead man / then walk away under a sky overflowing / with pus the hunters cough / on the benches. // I walk...


Charles Bukowski

The swans walk my brain in april it rains
Hegats, 19/20 1998
euskaratzailea: Josu Lartategi
armiarma.eus, 2020